An efficient system to track your employees and easily calculate earning, benefits, and taxes.
PR Files.
Employee File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records information about the employees that work for you.
- Records an unlimited number of employees.
- Employees may be paid hourly or salary.
- Salary may be entered by annual amount or by the amount per
pay period.
- Non-employees may be entered to pay contract workers.
- Records the employee's job information, like their job title, date
of last raise, next review date.
- Records EEO information.
- Records banking information for direct depositing pay.
- Records benefit information, like sick and vacation time accrued.
Records benefit policy key used to determine the policy under
which the employee accrues sich and vacation time.
- State and local tax keys are used to indicate the employee's state
and locality for the purposes of calculating taxes.
- Exemption switches specify which of the the federal, state, and
local taxes the employee is exempt from.
- Records the additional federal, state, and local income tax amounts
to be withheld. The additional amounts can be entered directly
or calculated as a percent of the employee's gross or as a percent
of the employee's basic withholding amount.
- Records the employee's time clock options, like whethor or not they
can take paid breaks.
- Records pay information for 7 pay types--regular, overtime,
doubletime, special, holiday, sick, and vacation.
- Records an unlimited number of pay rate records. Each pay rate
record specifies an hourly pay rate (for hourly employees), billing
rate and the G/L expense accounts for the costs associated with
the labor. This information is recorded for each of the 7 pay
- The pay rate records allow an employee's pay rate to change
for different types of work, allows your service billing rate
to change for different types of work and allows you to record
pay costs to different G/L accounts for different types of work.
- Additional deductions and earnings are used to record deductions
that are not directly supported by the software, like union dues,
child support, or payments to a retirement account. Additional
earnings are used to record earnings that are not based on the
employee's salary or hours worked, like commisions or piecework.
- An unlimited number of additional deductions and earnings can be
- Additional deductions and earnings (D/E) can be entered as a fixed
dollar amount or can be calculated as a percent of the employees
- Additional D/E specify the frequency at which they are used. This
allows dedunctions and earnings to be taken on some payrolls but
not others, like an employee that is paid weekly might take an IRA
deduction monthly. Additional D/E can also be taken manually, this
might be used for cash bonuses for example.
- Additional deductions and earnings can record a balance that
either increases or decreases. This can be used for various
purposes, like to record the amount remaining on an employee loan,
or to record the total payments made to a retirement account
- Each Additional deductions and earnings has a detailed history of
each transaction that it appeared on. In addition to showing the
amount of each deduction or earning, the history shows a running
balance and a running amount year-to-date.
- Detailed history of all transactions.
- Annual and quarterly histories.
- Records an unlimited number of notes per employee.
Payroll Transactions File.
- View Screen(s)
- Allows work and pay information to be enetered and processed.
- Records and unlimited number of payroll transactions.
- Each transaction records the work, pay, and tax information for a
particular employee over a single pay period.
- Manual transactions can be entered. In a manual transaction the
taxes and many other values are entered manually, rather than
calculated automatically. Manual transactions can be used to
correct mistakes or to process payroll information calculated from
outside of the software.
- Specifies whethor or not a paycheck should be printed for the
transaction. Can be used to prevent checks from printing on
correcting entries or when using direct deposits.
- Hours worked can be entered as the total number of hours per pay
type or the hours can be detailed in the regular earnings list.
- The regular earnings list records information for a specified
work period. Each trasnactions can have a unlimited number of
entries in the regular earnings list.
- Each regular earning list entry records the starting and ending
work time, the pay rate key, and the worker's comensation class key
for the work performed over the period.
- Each regular earning list item records the jobs that were worked on
during the work period. An unlimited number of jobs may be
- The additional D/E list records the deductions and earnings that
are not directly supported by the software. An unlimited number
of additional deductions and earnings may be specified.
- The employee's vacation and sick time hours remaining are displayed
to help monitor the use of benefits.
- The employee and employer taxes and the grosses they are calculated
from are shown in detail.
State Tax File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the tax calculation procedures for the states where
your employees live.
- Records and unlimited number of state tax records.
- Used to calculate a state withholding tax, state unemployment
tax, and an "other" state tax.
- The "other" state tax can be used for additional taxes defined
by the state and that are not directly supported by the software.
The "other" state tax may be paid by the employee or the employer.
- Records the standard allowance amount and the other state tax
alowance amount permitted by the state.
- Specifies exemption switches that indicate which pay types, if any,
are exempt from each of the state taxes.
- Specifies if the state withholding tax is calculated from the
gross or the federal withholding tax.
- Specifies a supplemental earnings percent used to calculate the
state withholding tax on supplemental income.
- Specifies tax tables for calculating the state withholding tax for
married and single employees.
Local Tax File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the tax calculation procedures for the localities where
your employees live.
- Records and unlimited number of local tax records.
- Records the standard allowance amount permitted by the locality.
- Specifies exemption switches that indicate which pay types, if any,
are exempt from the local withholding tax.
- Specifies if the local withholding tax is calculated from the
gross or the federal withholding tax.
- Specifies a supplemental earnings percent used to calculate the
local withholding tax on supplemental income.
- Specifies tax tables for calculating the local withholding tax for
married and single employees.
Other Deductions/Earnings File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the deductions and earnings that are not directly supported
by the software.
- Records and unlimited number of deduction and earnings.
- The records in the Other Deductions/Earnings file define how the
user-defined deductions and earnings affect the employee pay and
taxes. These deductions and earnings can then be referenced from
the employee file.
- Specifies if the deduction/earning should be printed on W-2 forms
and how it should appear on the form.
- Specifies if the deduction/earning should be printed on the
employee's pay stub.
- Specifies which of the groses used in calculating the pay and taxes
are affected by the earning/deduction. This allows the
earning/deduction to affect the calculation of some taxes, but not
others. For example, an IRA deduction can affect the gross amount
used to calculate the federal withholding, but not the gross used
to calculate the state withholding.
Worker's Compensation Class File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the classes of worker's compensation that apply to the
different types of work your employees perform.
- Records the percent used to calculate the worker's compensation
payment from the employee's gross.
- A maximum gross cut-off value. Worker's compensation payments will
not be calculated for grosses over the maximum.
- A regular rate switch that indicates of the worker's compensation
gross should be calculated using the employee's regular rate,
rather than the pay rate that is actually used to pay the employee.
Expense Accounts File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records G/L account numbers used for expenses associated with
- Records an unlimited number of expense account records.
- Each record specifes the G/L account numbers used for labor, FUTA,
FICA, Medicare, SUTA, OST, supplemental benefits, and worker's
- This file allows you to "localize" the expense account information.
That is, the information is entered only here but then can be used
in many different places throughout the paryroll module. If
the account numbers need to be changed, they only have to be
changed in this file, rather than every place that uses the
account numbers.
Payroll Departments File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the departments that your employees work in.
- Records and unlimited number of departments.
Payroll Frequency File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records the user-defined pay frequencies.
- These fequencies specify the periods over which you pay your
employees or take additional deductions or pay additional
earnings. Likely weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
- Records and unlimited number of pay frequencies.
Benefit Policies File.
- View Screen(s)
- Defines the policies your company uses for the accumulation of
vacation and sick time hours.
- Records and unlimited number of benefit policies records. This
allows different employees to be subject to different benefit
- Policies can use a "ladder system" based on the years worked so
that the benefit hours can change based on the years worked.
- In each step of the ladder system, you can specify the number of
unused hours that should be retained, the number additional hours
to be accrued, and the maximum number of hours that can be accrued.
Benefit Transactions File.
- View Screen(s)
- Allows new benefit information to be entered and processed.
- Records and unlimited number of benefit transactions.
- Each transaction records the additional vacation sick time hours
- Benefit transaction records can be created automatically or may
be entered manually.
- The hours accrued may be calculated automatically or may be entered
- A benefit policy key specified on the record specifies the benefit
policy to be used to calculate hours accrued automatically.
Control File.
PR Reports.
Brief Payroll History Report
- View Report
- This report prints up to 3 columns of tax or pay information for
each employee over a specified date range.
- The figure to print in each column is specified by the user and the
date range for each column is specified for each user.
- The report can be used to compare tax and payment information over
different date ranges or to compare different taxes and payment
information of a particular date range.
- Report can be filtered by department key.
- Report can be filtered by state tax key.
- Report can be filtered by local tax key.
Payroll Transaction History Report
- View Report
- Prints employee work, pay, and tax information for a specified
date range.
- For each employee, the report can detail each transaction within
the date range, or just a total for the date range.
- The regular earnings for each transaction can be detailed, if
- The other deductions and earnings for each transaction can be
detailed, if desired.
- The print settings specify the number of weeks in a year and
the week starting day so that the number of weeks worked can be
- Report can be filtered by department key.
Other Deduction/Earning History Report
- View Report
- Prints information for a specified other D/E over a specified
date range.
- For each employee, the report can detail each D/E within
the date range, or just a total for the date range.
- Report can be filtered by department key.
Payrol Tax Liability Report
- View Report
- This report lists the taxes owed over the specified date range.
- The report contains 3 secionts that detail the tax liability for
the federal taxes, state taxes, and local taxes.
- Report can be printed in 3 levels of detail.
- Report can be filtered by department key.
- Report can be filtered by state tax key.
- Report can be filtered by local tax key.
Employee Labor Costs Report
- View Report
- This report prints the hours worked, amount paid, and labor costs
for each employee over a specified date range.
- The report can be printed in 4 levels of detail.
- Indirect labor costs can be filtered out. This is work done that
does not generate revenue, such as taking stock or clean up.
- Report can be filtered by department key.
- Report can be filtered by job number.
- Report can be filtered by job category.
EEO Report.
- View Report
- Prints information needed for filling out EEO forms.
- Prints out the number and percent of employees in each EEO
ethnicity classified by job type and gender.
- Report may be filtered by department.
- Employees may be filtered by employment status.
Worker's Comensation History Report
- View Report
- This report prints the worker's compensation information for the
specified date range.
- For each workers compensation class record, it prints the gross
and worker's compensation payment amount. This information can be
detailed by employee, and work time.
- The report can be printed in 4 levels of detail.
- Report can be filtered by department key.
- Report can be filtered by employee key.
W-2 Forms.
- Prints W-2 information to preprinted forms.
- User may specify the year for which the forms should be printed.
This allows reprinting of lost or incorrect forms from historical
- Forms may be marked as reissued. The IRS requires that reprinted
forms be marked as reissued.
- Test print feature makes it easy to generate properly aligned
1099 Forms.
- Prints 1099s information to preprinted forms.
- 1099s are printed for non-employees. These are contract workers
that are paid through payroll rather than accounts payable.
- User may specify a cut-off pay amount. Forms will print only if
the amount paid is above the cut-off.
- User may specify the year for which the forms should be printed.
This allows reprinting of lost or incorrect forms from historical
- Test print feature makes it easy to generate properly aligned
Employee File Edit List
Payroll Transaction File Edit List
Payroll Transaction Register
Additional Deductions and Earnings Report
Checks and Post Payroll Transaction
Benefit Transactions File Edit List
Post the Benefit Transaction File
Post the Unused Benefits to Payroll Transactions
Other D/E's File Edit List
State Tax File Edit List
Local Tax File Edit List
Expense Accounts File Edit List
Frequency File Edit List
Payroll Departments File Edit List
Worker's Comp. Class File Edit List
Benefit Policies File Edit List
Print Payroll Distribution File
Post Payroll Distribution File
General Features.
- Large, detailed check stub show the employee the current and
year-to-date hours, pay, taxes, and other deductions and earnings.
- User defined pay and deduction/earning frequencies.
- Automatic calculation of benefits.
- Option to pay employees for benefits they do not use.
- Unlimited number of state and local taxes.
- Unlimited number of worker's compensation classes.
- Contract workers can be paid through payroll and 1099s can be printed.
- Automatic creation of payroll transactions.
- Payroll transaction information can be posted in from the time clock