The heart of the accounting system that allows you to track your financial accounts.
G/L Files.
Chart of Accounts File.
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- Records the balances in and transaction for all of you company's
general ledger accounts.
- Records an unlimited number of accounts.
- Unlimited number of transactions per account.
- Detailed history of all transactions.
- Annual and period histories.
- Records budgets for each period.
- Displays the current posted and unposted balances.
- Unlimited number of notes per account.
Financial Statement Design File.
- Used to define formats for printing custom finacial statements and
similar reports that analyze the general ledger transactions.
- Records an unlimited number of designs.
- Designs may span multiple pages and may have custom headers and
- Supports 10 levels of sub-totals.
- Supports 10 user-defined accumulators, used to total figures
selected by the user.
- Ratios of accumulators can be printed.
- Account number ranges may be specifed to allow groups of accounts
to be printed, totaled, or accumulated.
- Up to 25 columns of finacial information can be defined.
- Columns may display the actual values or budget values for a
specified time period or may display the variance, ratio, or
percent change between two other columns.
- Values maybe be printed to the penny, dollar, thousands, or
millions place to save space.
General Journal File.
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- Used to enter and process transactions to the general journal.
- Manual transactions and correcting entries may be added directly
by the user. Transactions from distribution files in other
modules are posted into the file.
- Records an unlimited number of transactions.
Standard Journal File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to record and process recurrent manual general ledger
- Records an unlimited number of transactions.
Accounting Periods File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to record up to 13 user-defined accounting periods per year.
Throughout the software information is totaled based on these
periods to summarize transaction histories.
- Periods may be entered for an unlimited number of years.
Control File.
G/L Reports.
Trial Balance
- Details the transactions and change in account balances over a
specified date range.
- Prints the begining balance, total credits, total debits, net
change, and ending balance for each account.
- Nine user defined sub-total levels allow printing of tiered
sub-totals within specified locations in the report.
- Option to print detailed format with each transaction listed.
- Accounts may be filtered by profit center.
- Transactions may be filtered by source.
General Ledger Worksheet.
- Used to analyze the trial balance and calculate adjusting entries.
- Prints the total credits and debits for each account over a
specified date range and provides room for the user to enter
adjusting figures.
- Accounts may be filtered by profit center.
Source Cross Reference
- Used to locate groups of transactions posted from the same source.
This may be used to locate transactions that need to be adjusted
by correcting entries
- Prints transactions grouped by the source of the
transactions. Transactiosn may be grouped by the source key,
transaction journal number, distribution journal number, general
journal number.
- Transactions may be filtered by transaction date, source key,
and the three journal numbers
Close General Ledger Year Report.
- Printed when a finacial year is closed.
- Prints the ending balance of all the balance sheet accounts.
- Prints the retained earnings figure, the total ending balance of
all the balance sheet accounts.
Finacial Statements
- Used to print finacial statements with a user-defined format.
- The finacial statement system uses two files in conjunction to
specify the exact format for the financial statement. This system
makes the fincial statements very flexible and allows the user to
print a wide variety of statements for various purposes while
requiring only a minimal amount of set-up.
- User may specify the range of periods to be used in each of 25
columns to be printed in the statement. Thus statements can be
printed using any of the historical data in the general ledger.
- Values maybe be printed to the penny, dollar, thousands, or
millions place to save space.
Monthly Budget Report.
- Used to analyze actual financial data compares to budgeted data.
- Prints the actual and budget figures for each account for the
specified period and for the year-to-date and displays the actual
value's percent of the budget.
- User may specify the period and year to be printed. Allows
printing of historical data for comparing past budget accuracy.
- Accounts may be filtered by profit center.
Budget Planner Report.
- Used to analyze and prepare a new year's budget.
- Prints the current year's fincial data and budget and the
proposed budget for the new year. It also prints comparitive
financial data from prior years.
- User may specify the number of prior year comparitive figures that
should be printed.
- Accounts may be filtered by profit center.
Budget Planner Worksheet.
- Used to help plan next year's budget.
- Prints the current and previous years' fincial data and budget
and provides space the user to enter the next year's budget.
- Accounts may be filtered by profit center.
General Features
- Up to 13 yearly accounting periods
- Trial Balance in summary or detail
- Transaction cross reference report
Flexible budgeting procedures
- Monthly budget report
- Budget planning report
- Budget planning worksheet
- Budget suggestion amounts calculated from user defined parameters
- User defined financial statements
- Super Search, Data Zoom, and Dynamic Add
- Interfaces to Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Control, Payroll, and Bank Reconciliation