The module that makes it possible to track costs for a job or a category of jobs.
J/C Files.
Job Master File.
- View Screen(s)
- Records information about the jobs you are currently working on.
- Records an unlimited number of jobs.
- Records seperate billing customer and site customer information.
This allows work done at one location to be billed to a customer
at a seperte location.
- Records overhead percents for each cost type. These are used to
estimate the overhead on the job based on the job's known costs.
- Displays totals of the estimated and actual costs for each cost
- Calculates the suggested amount to invoice by either time and
materials or percent complete's portion of the contract price.
- Provides nine different options for determining a job's percent
- Records billing percents for each cost type. These are used to
calculate a suggested amount to invoice.
- Records the amount you've have invoiced the customer, the customer
has paid, and the customer has retained. Also records the amount
you've been invoice by your sub-contractors and suppliers, the
amount you've paid, and the amount you've retained.
- Allows estimated costs to be specified in an unlimited number of
categories. The actual costs are displayed for each category.
- Vendor history records quotes and the amount invoiced from each
vendor. An unlimited number of vendors may be recorded.
- Detailed history of each transaction for the job.
- Item total history records the total quantity and cost of each
type of transaction for the job.
- AIA billing schedule records the items the job is to be billed and
is used to generate AIA invoices.
- AIA billing history records all the AIA invoices generated for the
- Records an unlimited number of notes per job.
Job Category File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to categorize jobs and the work performed on jobs.
- Records an unlimited numbe of job categories.
- Stores default overhead formula, overhead percents, billing
percents, account numbers and other settings. When a job's
category is set, these default settings are copied from the
category record to the job master record.
- Records the sub-categories of costs that may appear under each
category. An unlimited number of sub-categories, may be recorded.
- Each sub-category has annual and period histories that record the
total costs, retail, and hours worked for the year or period.
- Each sub-category has a detailed history that records each
transaction for the sub-category.
- Each category record has annual and period histories that record
the total costs, retail, and hours worked for the year or period.
- Records an unlimited number of notes per category.
AIA Billing File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to enter AIA billing information and to produce AIA invoices.
- Records an unlimited number of AIA billing entries.
- For each scheduled item, the dollar amount of the work completed
may be entered manually or calculated based on the percent
- Retainage may be calculated automatically from a specified retain
percent or it may be entered manually.
- Distribute switches allow the user to specify the persons that
invoices are distributed to.
- Invoice totals detail the previous amounts-to-date, the current
invoice totals, and the new amounts-to-date.
Job Costing Transactions File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to enter and process job transations, such as labor costs
material costs, invoices, and payments.
- Records an unlimited number of transactions.
- Records can be entered manually or may be posted in from
several other files in the system.
Job Material Entry File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to record materials used on jobs.
- Records an unlimited number of transactiosn for an unlimited number
of jobs.
- User may enter both the quantity of material taken to the job
and the quantity returned from the job.
- For each item, the user may enter the warehouse that the
material is taken from or returned to.
- Records may be posted to either the Inventory Transactions File
or to the Customer Orders File.
Job Overhead Formula File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to define formulas used for calculating job overhead.
- Records an unlimited number of overhead formulas.
- Each overhead formula records an unlimited number of overhead
items that contribute to the overhead of the associated jobs.
- Each overhead item can calculate overhead as a portion of the
change in a specified G/L account's balance and/or as a fixed
dollar amount
- The overhead amount for an item can be destributed to jobs in
various ways, like by proprtioning by labor hours, or by material
Overhead Transactions File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to quickly enter transactions for posting overhead costs
to jobs.
- Records an unlimited number of overhead transactions.
- User can specify both job overhead and general overhead costs.
- Records can be entered manually or calculated automatically
using user-defined job overhead formulas.
J/C Reports.
Job Master Billing Report
- Prints information that can be used to analyze jobs to determine
the next billing amount.
- Shows the total hours on the job and the total costs.
- Shows the contract price, the base fee, the amount previously
billed, and a suggested amount to bill.
- An analysis table may be printed that analyizes costs in the
various sub-category types. The analysis compares estimated and
actual values and displays a percent complete for each sub-category
Job Master Material Price Report
- A report used to determine the material costs of a job in current
material prices. Can be used to help develope quotes on new jobs
based on previous jobs.
- Lists the material costs for a job sumarized by inventory item key.
- User can choose to print the average cost, last cost, or retail
price of each item.
Job Master Transaction Summary Report
- Prints a history of transactions for each job sorted by transaction
type and a transaction key.
- User may specify which types of transactions should be printed.
- Print may be filtered by job category, customer, and manager.
Jobs in Progress Report
- Prints a report that shows the level of progress of the
the jobs currently in progress.
- The report shows the estimated and actual values for the different
types of costs for the job.
- Report may be printed in three levels of detail.
- User may specify which types of transactions should be printed.
- Print may be filtered by job category, and manager.
Jobs Master Vendor Totals Report
- Prints a report that allows you to analyze costs by vendor and to
compare the costs to their estimates.
- The report shows the amount each vendor has invoiced, their
estimated amount, the actual amount's percent of the estimated, and
the difference.
- Print may be filtered by job category, and vendor.
Jobs Master Vendor Totals Report
- Prints a report that allows you to analyze costs by vendor and to
compare the costs to their estimates.
- The report shows the amount each vendor has invoiced, their
estimated amount, the actual amount's percent of the estimated, and
the difference.
- Print may be filtered by job category, and vendor.
Jobs Transaction By Category Report
- Prints a report that lists a job's transaction grouped by the
transaction's category.
- User may specify which types of transactions should be printed.
- Print may be filtered by job category, and transaction date.
TPPR Credit Report
- Reports each job's TPPR credit amount over a specified date range.
- User may specify which types of transactions should be printed.
- Print may be filtered by job category, and customer key.
- Report may be printed in two levels of detail.
Job Category Period Analysis Report
- Prints period and/or annual totals for the specifed time periods
- Comparitive feature prints totals for seperate periods side-by-side.
- User can choose which sub-category types (dispersements, invoices,
paymemts, material costs, labor costs, expenses, job overhead, and
general overhead) should print.
- User can print only period totals, only annual totals, or both.
- User can choose to print period and/or annual totals for each
Job Category Analysis Report
- Used to analize the profitability of each job category.
- Comparitive feature prints totals for seperate date ranges
- The difference and variance between the two compative columns are
- For each category, the report prints the amount invoiced, then
each of the direct costs, then the gross profit, then the indirect
costs and finally the net profit.
- The costs and invoice totals can be detailed by sub-category.
Job Category Transaction Summary Report
- Prints a history of transactions for each job category, summarized
by transaction key.
- May be printed in two levels of detail.
- User may specify which types of transactions should be printed.
AIA Worksheets.
- Prints worskeets that can be used to determine the amount to be
invoiced on a job.
- Worskeets can be used to calculate billing by job foremen that
don't have access to the software. The billing information can
then be entered into the software from the worksheet by office
- Each worksheet prints the AIA billing schedule. For each
scheduled item it lists the total value to invoice, the prior
percent complete, and the prior amount completed and stored. For
each item it also prints blanks for entering the new percent
complete, new amount completed and the new amount stored.
AIA Invoices.
- Prints AIA invoices for billing customers on AIA billing jobs.
- It can print substitute G702 forms to blank paper. It can print
official G702 and G703 forms to pre-printed forms.
- Copies of the invoice will be printed for the architect, customer
and other individuals as speified by the AIA billing record.
- User may also specify a number of additional invoices to be
- Each type of form may be printed to a sepeate printer, if desired,
eliminating the need to change paper.
General Features.
- TTPR credit feature tracks credit for sales tax payed for materials
for non-taxable customer.
- Supports AIA billing.
- Supports use of retainage.
- Activity-based cost accounting.
- Flexible overhead calculation for calculating Job and General