The module that allows you to quickly and efficiently enter your customers' orders.
O/E Files.
Customer Order File.
- View Screen(s)
- This file records and processes your customers' orders.
- Records an unlimited number of orders.
- Records an unlimited number of items per order.
- Orders can list inventory items, service items, and messages.
- Records a shipping location that may be different than the billing
- Invoice number may be assigned automatically or entered manually.
- Records a shipping method and ship date for each order.
- Sales tax can be calculated automatically using a specified A/R
Tax File record or it may be entered manually.
- Up to 3 sales reps can be recorded for each order. Commissions can
be calculated automatically or entered manually.
- Sale can have single, double, or triple split terms. The
distribution of the split term amounts can be calculated
autoamtically or entered manually.
- Records miscellaneous and freight charges.
- Retainage may be entered for job costing invoices.
- Payments at time of sale may be recorded. Payments can be cash,
check, or credit card.
- Records user-defined header information and comments that will
appear on the invoice.
- Next invoice feature allows a single order to be used to generate
multiple sales and invoices. New sales can be generated manually
or automatically at specified intervals or on specified dates.
- Package feature allows groups of inventory items, services, and
messages to be entered at once.
- Inventory items can be flagged as on sale to use their sale prices.
- Items can be flagged as taxable or non-taxable.
- Items can be flagged as non-printable. These do not appear on
invoices or other forms given to the customer.
- Fractional order quantities may be entered. User may specify
the unit of the entered quantity.
- Quantity on hand and effective quantity is displayed durring entry.
Quantity on backorder is calculated automatically but can be
overidden manually.
- On each item, user can overide the default price code and
default commission code used to calculate prices and commisions.
- On each item, user can overide the unit price automatically
calculated by the software.
Packages File.
- View Screen(s)
- Used to record packages of inventory items, services, and messages
that can be entered into an order as a group.
- Records pricing information to be used if the package items are
priced as a group.
- The package can be flagged as non-printable, so it does not appear
on invoices or other forms given to the customer.
- The package can be flagged as non-taxable.
O/E Reports.
Customer Order Report.
- Prints out orders sorted by customer for analyzing a customer's
current status.
- For each customer it lists contact information.
- For each order it lists the terms, shipping method, and shipping
- Each order lists all the inventory items order and services
- Each item lists the quantity ordered, quantity backordered, and
quantity to ship.
- Each item lists the price ordered, price backordered, and
price shipped.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Customer Balance Report
- Used to help analyze your customer's credit status.
- For each order, it prints the customer's current balance
information, credit limit, and contact information.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Delivery Receipts.
- Prints delivery receipts that can be provided to the customer to
confirm a delivery.
- Blanks on each item can be used to record the actual number of
items delivered. Blanks at the bottom can be used to record the
customer's signature confirming the delivery.
- User defined header prints at the top of each page.
- User can control if message and service items should print.
- User can control if prices should be printed.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Counter Slips.
- Prints counter slips that can be signed by customer to confirm
that they picked up an order.
- User can specify the number of copies to be printed.
- Each item printed shows the quantity and pricing information.
- Order totals at the end detail all the charges for the order.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Shipping Orders.
- Prints shipping orders that can used internally to process an order
or that can be provided to the customer to confirm an order.
- User defined header prints at the top of each page.
- Prints each inventory item, message, and service on the order.
Prints the quantity ordered, backordered, and to be shipped for
each item. Prints the unit and extended price of each item.
- Order totals appear at the bottom showing the order sub-total,
additional charges, payment information and balance.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Picking Tickets.
- Prints picking tickets that can be used record the items that are
drawn from inventory to fulfill an order.
- Blanks on each item can be used to record the actual number of
items pulled from inventory. Blanks at the bottom can be used to
record the signature of the employee that pulled the items.
- Items print sorted by bin location to help the employee find the
- User defined header prints at the top of each page.
- Report can be filtered by customer key and ship date.
Shipping Labels
- Prints 3-by-4 shipping labels that can be placed on boxes to
by shipped to a customer.
- Each order can specify the number of labels to be printed.
- Labels show the delivery address entered on the order.
- The software can print the return address on each label or it may
be pre-printed on the label.
- Labels can show a shipper ID provided by the shipping company to
identify your company. Labels can also show a package ID that
uniquely identifies the package for the shipping company.
- Labels can filtered by shipping date.
Back Order Report By Customer
- Prints information about the items that are backordered.
- Information is grouped by customer so that a customer's backorder
status can be analyzed.
- Report can be filtered by intentory item key, inventory department
key, and customer key.
Back Order Report By Item
- Prints information about the items that are backordered.
- Information is grouped by inventory so that an item's backorder
status can be analyzed.
- Report can be filtered by intentory item key, inventory department
key, and customer key.
General Features.
- Repetitive orders may be generated by eneteringg only a single order.
- Single, double, and triple split terms.
- Automatic commision calculation.
- Automatic filling of backorders.
- Supports retainage.
- User-defined header lines record non-standard information that
prints on many of the reports.
- Supports a variety of pre-printed and blank-white invoice formats